Make an Older Version of Document as the Current Version

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You are here: Document Versioning >Make an Older Version of Document as the Current Version

You can make an older version of a document as the current version. For e.g. Lets assume that the current version of a document is 6 and you promote an older version 4 as the current version. Globodox will make a copy of version 4 of the document and promote that copy as version 7. Version 6 of the document will be saved as an old version.

To Make an Older Version of Document, the Current Version

1.Select the document whose versions you want to promote, from the List View pane. The document will now be displayed in the Documents Details pane.
2.Click the Versions tab on the left bar of the Document Details pane. The Versions panel will now be displayed.
3.All the older versions of the selected document will listed in the Versions pane. Now select the version that you want to make the current version.
4.Click the Promote button of the Versions toolbar to promote the older version as the current version.



The Current Version number of the document will be displayed on the top left corner of the Versions panel.
You can click the Add version from disk... (or the Add version from scanner...) option to create a new version for the selected document. The version number of the document will be incremented by one and the document you select (or scan) will be stored as the new (current) version of the selected document. The existing version of the document will be stored as an older version.

Related Topics

Enable Document Versioning

Document Versioning - FAQ



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