Set a Security Label

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You are here: Globodox Security > Security Label >Set a Security Label

You can set a Security Label by right clicking a document and selecting the Security Label option.


To Set a Security Label for a Document:

1.In Globodox, select the document(s) to which you want to apply a Security Label.
2.Click the Share drop-down arrow and select the Set Security Label option or right click the document and select Share > Security Label option. The Set Security Label window will now be launched.

3.Select a Security Label from the list.
4.Click the OK button to apply the Security Label.


To Set a Security Label for a Stack

1.In Globodox, select the Stack(s) to which you want to apply a Security Label.
2.Click the Share drop-down arrow and select the Set Security Label option or right click the document and select Share > Security Label option. The Set Security Label window will now be launched.
3.Select a Security Label from the list.
4.Click the OK button to apply the Security Label.

To Set a Security Label for Folder

1.In Globodox, select the Folder to which you want to apply a Security Label.
2.Right click the Folder and select Set Security Label option. The Set Security Label window will now be launched.
3.Select a Security Label from the list.
4.Click the OK button to apply the Security Label.
The Security Label applied to the folder will be applied to all its sub-folders and to the documents in it.



You can click the Save and New button to save a Security Label and to open a New Security Label window to create a new Security Label.
If a Security Label has been applied to a document and then you apply a Security Label to the folder in which it it is then the latter label will be applied to that document.

Related Topics

Create a Security Label

Delete a Security Label



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